Professionally registered status shows employers that you have and are committed to maintaining and enhancing the knowledge, skills and competence required to meet the engineering and technological needs of today. The prestige of your title will improve your CV and may lead to wider employment options, career progression and promotion.
The Engineer's 2018 salary survey showed that professionally registered respondents reported a mean average salary of £51,930, compared to £43,914 for respondents who were not professionally registered. Average salaries amongst professionally registered respondents were higher in every industry sector and at every level of seniority. The Engineering Council’s 2013 survey of professionally registered engineers and technicians indicated that those holding the titles EngTech, IEng, CEng or ICTTech continued to enjoy pay increases above the national average throughout the recession.
As a professionally registered engineer or technician you are likely to enjoy higher earnings across your working life. This is because employing registrants brings benefits to your employer, such as increased customer confidence. This could help them to win more contracts, in turn improving their bottom line.
Professional registration demonstrates your commitment to professional standards, and to developing and enhancing your competence. Your title proves that you have a positive attitude and the drive to succeed within the engineering profession. These are attributes that are highly valued by employers and customers. It shows that you will work safely in a way that contributes to sustainable development and that you have committed to complying with codes of conduct.
Respondents to the Engineering Council's registrant surveys repeatedly report enhanced status as the key driver to become professionally registered. Professional registration is achieved through peer recognition of competence and commitment to society, the profession and the environment. This brings a great sense of achievement, credibility with colleagues and students, respect from the wider industry and, for many individuals, boosts self-esteem and confidence.
The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC), against which individuals are assessed for EngTech, IEng or CEng registration, is well respected across the world. The Engineering Council also works with many international engineering organisations to promote recognition of the standard and titles overseas. This helps to facilitate the international mobility of professionally registered engineers and technicians.
A standard is also available for Information and Communications Technology Technicians (ICTTech).
Professional registration shows employers, peers and the public that you have spent a number of years developing your skills, knowledge and understanding within your field and have clearly demonstrated your competence and commitment.
The post-nominals EngTech, IEng, CEng and ICTTech are well respected internationally and demonstrate your level of skills, knowledge and understanding within the profession. As a registrant you will also belong to a network of experts in your field through membership of a professional engineering institution. This offers opportunities for involvement in influential activities, such as reports and campaigns as well as access to lifelong learning.
The UK Passport list of occupations for a countersignatory includes ‘engineer – with professional qualifications’. This is the document referenced by the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMSLG) when defining an ‘appropriate person’ to certify copy documents used as proof of identity where business is not carried out face-to-face. Therefore, professionally registered engineers are accepted as certifiers of documentary evidence of customer identity, as may be required to open a bank account for example.
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