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As the regulatory body for the UK engineering profession, the Engineering Council sets and maintains internationally recognised standards of professional competence and commitment. 

These are detailed in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) and the Information and Communications Technology Technician (ICTTech) Standard. 

We also hold the national Register of nearly 223,000 engineers and technicians who have been assessed against these standards and awarded one of our professional titles:

The award and retention of these titles ensures that employers, government and wider society – both in the UK and overseas – can have confidence in the knowledge, experience and commitment of engineers and technicians on the register.

The figure above includes 6,000 engineers and technicians on the national Register who only hold interim titles, having registered their intention to work towards one of the professional titles above.


For more information about how we operate and work with industry partners to regulate the UK engineering profession see the links below:

Our purpose and organisational structure

Further information about our background, board and chairman, committees and associates

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Our Partners

Discover how the Engineering Council works with Professional Engineering Institutions and other key engineering organisations

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Professional Registration

Learn more about professional registration for engineers and technicians who can demonstrate that they meet the standards set by the profession

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International representation of engineers

Find out about the Engineering Council’s policy on the use of the word 'engineer' and the use of its professional titles

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Annual Report and Review documents

Click here to view Engineering Council's Annual Report and Review documents

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Status of Engineers

Find out about the Engineering Council’s policy on the use of the word engineer and the use of its professional titles

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Our branding and logos

Discover the permitted uses of the organisation’s logo and the origin of the Engineering Council’s origami branding

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Education & Skills Policy

The Engineering Council takes an active interest in the developments in education and skills policy that may impact the professional development of engineers and technicians.

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Introduction to the Engineering Council

Find out more about the Engineering Council in this animated video

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View current openings at the Engineering Council and the Professional Engineering Institutions here

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How we are funded

The Engineering Council is funded from the registration fee which is set and effectively collected by EngineeringUK. 

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