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Professional Development

Professional development is the acquisition of knowledge and skills and the development of personal qualities. It plays a crucial part in achieving and maintaining your engineering competence, and that of your employees.

Professional development generally takes place in a working environment and draws on knowledge and understanding, training and experience. However, it is not necessarily separate from education and the two processes may be integrated, for example in work-based degrees or apprenticeships.

Professional development in engineering is usually described in relation to achieving and maintaining registered status as set out in the UK Standard for Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) and the ICTTech Standard:

Initial Professional Development (IPD)

To become professionally registered you must develop the required specialist skills and knowledge through your work and training. This phase of development is known as IPD and is essential to achieving the required standard of competence and commitment for any registration category

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Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Professional development does not stop with the achievement of registered status. Professionally registered engineers and technicians make a commitment to maintain and enhance their competence. This is referred to as CPD

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This is the Engineering Council’s online system that allows engineers and technicians to plan, record and share their professional development activity. Many of the professional engineering institutions offer this system to their members

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