In an increasingly mobile and data driven world, ICT technicians are needed to help design, develop, install and operate ICT solutions. The ICTTech Standard has been designed to support demand for the professional registration of competent technicians in this vital field.
There are five generic areas of competence and commitment for all registrants, which are expanded in the Standard:
A – Knowledge and understanding
B – Design, development and solving ICT problems
C – Responsibility, management and leadership
D – Communication and interpersonal skills
E – Personal and professional commitment
The areas above are set out in more detail in the ICTTech Standard, constituting the threshold generic standards for achieving ICTTech status. This assists potential registrants, their advisers and professional review interviewers in deciding whether they are eligible for professional registration.
The Engineering Council sets and maintains the ICTTech Standard on behalf of the UK engineering profession. It was developed in collaboration with Sector Skills Council representatives, employers of ICT technicians, relevant professional institutions and ICT technicians themselves. The standard is periodically reviewed and following the most recent review, the third edition was published in August 2021, with an implementation deadline of 31 March 2022.
Download the latest edition of the ICTTech Standard, which has an implementation deadline of 31 March 2022.
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A summary of the alterations and updates made to the third edition of the ICTTech Standard, published in August 2021.
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Download the second edition of the ICTTech Standard, which was implemented in February 2016.
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A summary of the alterations and updates made to the second edition of the ICTTech Standard, which was implemented in February 2016.
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Download the first edition of the ICTTech Standard, which was published in 2008.
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The IET and IHE are licensed to award the ICTTech and Professional Affiliate ITP has registration agreements in place to provide their members with a route to ICTTech registration
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