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Access to practise in the UK

The engineering profession in the UK is self-regulated through the use of the legally protected titles Engineering Technician (EngTech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng), Chartered Engineer (CEng) and Information and Communications Technology Technician (ICTTech). These titles may only be used by individuals who are registered with the Engineering Council.

Individuals admitted to the register must have been individually assessed by and maintain membership of one of the professional engineering institutions licensed for this purpose by the Engineering Council.

In general there is no restriction on the right to practise as an engineer in the UK.  However some areas of work, generally safety related, are reserved by statute, regulation or industry standards to licensed or otherwise approved persons. These areas of work include:

UK legislation can be searched at

Engineering Council registration is recognised as desirable in many fields of engineering employment and for provision of engineering services but is not mandatory. Registration is renewable annually on payment of a registration and membership fee to the relevant institution, providing there has been no violation of codes of professional conduct.

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