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IntPE, IntET and InETn registration privacy notice

1. Who we are

The Engineering Council is the UK regulatory body for the engineering profession. The Engineering Council is a registered charity, number 286142, whose registered office is 10 Lower Thames Street, London, EC3R 6EN.

The Engineering Council is the holder of the UK Section of the International Registers of Professional Engineers (IntPE), Engineering Technologists (IntET) and Engineering Technicians (IntETn).


‘Licensed Professional Engineering Institution’ – a professional engineering institution that has satisfied the Engineering Council’s requirements to allow them to assess and submit candidates for inclusion on the National Register of professional engineers and technicians

‘National Register’ – a secure database that is used and accessed only by authorised Engineering Council staff in order to facilitate the registration of individuals.

1.1 Contact details

The person responsible for data protection matters at the Engineering Council can be contacted by:

2. Personal Data

2.1 What is personal data

Personal data is any information that can be used to identify an individual.

2.2 What personal data do we collect

The personal data that the Engineering Council collects and processes about you is:

Personal data type Supplied by you: Personal data supplied by someone else:
N/A Forename(s) and surname
  Date of birth
  Academic qualifications
  Email Address
  Institution membership number
  CV/employment history
  Record of continuing professional development.

Please note that the data listed above is submitted to us by the licensed professional engineering institution that you are registered with and have chosen to apply for international registration via post or email. With regard to renewal applications the data listed above is provided directly by you to the Engineering Council.

2.3 What we use your personal data for

The personal data we collect will be used for the following purposes:

2.4 What is the basis for processing your data

Our basis for processing your personal data is Legitimate Interest for the purposes of facilitating your registration(s) and all associated processes as outlined in 2.3.

2.5 Special or sensitive data

The Engineering Council does not collect or process special categories of personal data or sensitive data in relation to registrants such as race, ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, etc.

3 Consent

There is no requirement for your consent to process your personal data as specified in this Notice unless it is outside the basis of Legitimate Interest.

4. Sharing your data

The Engineering Council may pass your personal data to the following third parties, without first obtaining your consent, for the following purpose(s) as part of our processing activities:

Organisation Purpose
The licenced professional engineering Institution(s) that you are registered through To facilitate your international registration.
International Registration Committee To facilitate the assessment of your application.
International Advisory Panel To facilitate an appeal.
Other organisations which are signatories to the International Professional Engineers' or International Engineering Technologist agreements. A list of the organisations and their websites can be found on the International Engineering Alliance website, To aid the facilitations of transfers to other signatory countries International Registers.
Third Party IT support companies.

In relation to the maintenance and development of the National Register.

5. Retention

The Engineering Council will continue to hold the record of your registration whether current or lapsed indefinitely. However, paper forms or files containing your data received from the Licensed Professional Engineering Institution(s) that you are registered through in relation to the processing activities described in 2.3 will retained for a period of 5 years plus the current year from the time of receipt. After such time these files will be securely disposed of.

6. Your rights as a data subject

At any point while we are in possession of or processing your personal data, you, the data subject, have the following rights:

If we receive a request from you to exercise any of the above rights we will forward them on, as appropriate, to any third party involved (as stated in section 4 above) in the processing of your personal data.

7. Subject Access Request

A Subject Access Request form and copy of the procedure can be requested by emailing

Subject access requests may be forwarded on, where appropriate, to any third party involved (as stated above, where applicable) in the processing of your personal data.

8. Complaints

In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by the Engineering Council (or third parties as described in 4 above), you have the right to lodge a complaint;

The details for each of these contacts are:

Supervisory authority contact details Data protection representative contact details
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
0303 123 1113
Data Protection Representative
Engineering Council
5th Floor Northern & Shell Building
10 Lower Thames Street
020 3206 0500

9. Data Security

All data held or processed by the Engineering Council is held in a secure server managed by the Engineering Council.

10. Changes to this Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to update this privacy notice at any time, and we will notify you if there is a substantial change in the way we process your data. We may also notify you in other ways from time to time about the processing of your personal data.

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