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Women in engineering – INWED 2021

Women in engineering – INWED 2021

Published: 21/06/2021

International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) takes place on 23 June 2021. This annual awareness day exists to raise the profile of female engineers and technicians, spotlighting their achievements in engineering. The theme for 2021 is Engineering Heroes. To celebrate #INWED21, we have spoken to some of our talented and inspiring women registrants …

World-changing healthcare and lifestyle innovations announced as MacRobert Award finalists

World-changing healthcare and lifestyle innovations announced as MacRobert Award finalists

Published: 09/06/2021

The Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) has today announced the finalists for the 2021 MacRobert Award, the most prestigious prize for UK engineering innovation. …

Report calls for £40m urgent investment in careers provision

Report calls for £40m urgent investment in careers provision

Published: 08/06/2021

A new report calls on government to invest £40 million in improving access to careers provision for students in schools and colleges in England …

Vocational T Level qualifications roll out further

Vocational T Level qualifications roll out further

Published: 28/05/2021

A new kind of vocational qualification is rolling out further across England from September 2021. T Levels are two year courses, for students aged 16-19, which have been developed in collaboration with businesses. T Levels follow on from GCSEs, are equivalent to three A Levels …

Studying engineering ‘turbo boosts’ social mobility, research shows

Studying engineering ‘turbo boosts’ social mobility, research shows

Published: 25/05/2021

A new study, published by the Engineering Professors’ Council (EPC), reveals that studying an Engineering degree gives individuals a greater boost to social mobility when compared to other subjects. The EPC’s Chief Executive, Johnny Rich, commented: "We have found clear evidence that Engineering makes a significant contribution to …

Tomorrow’s Engineers Week reflects international climate conference

Tomorrow’s Engineers Week reflects international climate conference

Published: 29/04/2021

The main themes of Tomorrow’s Engineers Week will be achieving net zero and how engineering can contribute to tackling climate change. The event will coincide with international climate change conference COP26 (26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties), which the UK is hosting from 1-12 November 2021. …

Students turn to technology with university choices, new UCAS data shows

Students turn to technology with university choices, new UCAS data shows

Published: 04/02/2021

New subject data from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Services (UCAS) shows a big shift towards technology-based degrees, including a 400% jump in acceptances to artificial intelligence (AI) courses. …

Nominations for the virtual Museum of Engineering Innovation

Nominations for the virtual Museum of Engineering Innovation

Published: 25/01/2021

The Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) is looking for your nominations for the engineering innovations – and the engineers behind them - you think should be included in their virtual Museum of Engineering Innovation. …

Tomorrow's Engineers - working with the engineering community to improve the impact of outreach

Tomorrow's Engineers - working with the engineering community to improve the impact of outreach

Published: 20/01/2021

The Tomorrow’s Engineers website hosts information and guidance on a range of topics curated from across the engineering community. The aim is to build and share a range of tips, resources, guidance and evidence to help improve practice, as well as highlight collective campaigns and joined up activities. …

E&T Innovation Awards held

E&T Innovation Awards held

Published: 27/11/2020

The E&T Innovation Awards, hosted by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET),  recognise and celebrate the very best new innovations across the breadth of science, engineering and technology. …