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Over 2,000 engineers and technicians professionally registered in first quarter of 2022

Over 2,000 engineers and technicians professionally registered in first quarter of 2022

Published: 07/04/2022

In the first quarter of 2022, 2,040 engineers and technicians became professionally registered with the Engineering Council. Professional registration is an internationally recognised mark of quality, as it is a standard set by the engineering profession. Congratulations to each and every one of the new registrants so far this year!  …

Annual Review 2021

Annual Review 2021

Published: 30/03/2022

The Engineering Council has published its Annual Review 2021, which highlights the organisation’s key achievements and activities last year. …

Women’s History Month 2022 – celebrating the work of women in engineering

Women’s History Month 2022 – celebrating the work of women in engineering

Published: 28/03/2022

As we come to the end of this year’s Women’s History Month, the Engineering Council wanted to share a few of our most recently updated case studies, showcasing women engineers’ and technicians’ achievements. …

UK engineering community urged to “Think ethics before action” in new pan-profession report

UK engineering community urged to “Think ethics before action” in new pan-profession report

Published: 21/02/2022

Royal Academy of Engineering and Engineering Council call for a step change in ethical decision-making similar to that achieved in health and safety. Recommendations aim to develop a world class culture of ethical behaviour in engineering. …

Standards Matter – regulating engineering competence and commitment for building safety

Standards Matter – regulating engineering competence and commitment for building safety

Published: 04/02/2022

Dame Judith Hackitt has stressed the need for competency, accountability and responsibility to be at the heart of the new building safety system, in order to rebuild the public’s trust in providing safe homes for people to live in. …

‘Engineering Ethics: Maintaining society’s trust in the engineering profession’ – launch of new report

‘Engineering Ethics: Maintaining society’s trust in the engineering profession’ – launch of new report

Published: 24/01/2022

An online launch event to mark publication of this report will be held at 6pm on 21 February, free to attend and open to all those working in engineering …

UK and Australia sign trade deal – benefits for engineering mobility

UK and Australia sign trade deal – benefits for engineering mobility

Published: 20/12/2021

The Engineering Council welcomes the announcement of a UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA), particularly the recognition of the essential role that professional services play in facilitating trade and investment. …

Engineering Council becomes home of Professional Engineer (PEng) designation

Engineering Council becomes home of Professional Engineer (PEng) designation

Published: 15/12/2021

Further to an agreed Deed of Assignment being signed with the Society of Professional Engineers (SPE) as part of their recent winding down, the Engineering Council has now been granted legal rights to the Professional Engineer title and PEng designation. …

Registrant wins WES prize at IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards 2021

Registrant wins WES prize at IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards 2021

Published: 03/12/2021

The Engineering Council would like to congratulate Eftychia Koursari IEng MICE on winning the Women's Engineering  (WES) Prize at the 2021 Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards. …

Pocket Guide to Professional Registration 2021/22

Pocket Guide to Professional Registration 2021/22

Published: 29/11/2021

The latest edition of the Engineering Council's 'Pocket Guide to Professional Registration 2021/22' (sometimes known as 'the Pink Book') is now complete and available to download from our website. …