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Press releases 2023

First licence to offer Higher-Risk Building (HRB) registration awarded

Published: 24/07/2023

The Engineering Council is pleased to announce that the first licence for Higher-Risk Building (HRB) registration has been awarded to the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE). The institution is the first professional engineering institution (PEI) to be granted a licence to register engineers and technicians who have been assessed against the Engineering Council’s new Standard, UK-SPEC HRB, which will officially launch later this year.

The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence and Commitment: Higher-Risk Buildings (UK-SPEC HRB) sets out the competences and commitments expected of engineers and technicians who work in the built environment sector, in particular on higher-risk buildings. It has been contextualised for engineers and technicians involved in building work, including design, construction, maintenance and operation. It also incorporates core building safety competence criteria, including fire safety, structural safety and public health.

Engineering Council CEO Paul Bailey said: “The Building a Safer Future Report produced by Dame Judith Hackitt provided an independent review of building regulations and fire safety and the culture and process of the industry. One of the report’s main proposals was for the PEIs to work with the Engineering Council to develop a contextualised standard for chartered and incorporated engineers working on higher risk residential buildings. The development of this UK-SPEC HRB standard has been a good example of the way the professional engineering community can work together on a common issue, and we are pleased to award CABE the first licence to assess and confer HRB registration to their members.”
Dr Gavin Dunn, CABE CEO said: “The increased responsibility for duty-holders is a step change for the industry, and CABE is excited to be at the forefront of raising standards within the construction and property industry. Professionals working on higher-risk buildings now have the opportunity to provide the evidence of their competence, and give those hiring them the confidence that they understand the risks and responsibilities of their role as an accountable person.”

Assessment against UK-SPEC HRB, and admission to the Engineering Council’s HRB Register, provides assurance to building owners and occupants that an engineer or technician is competent to carry out work that complies with building regulations, and is committed to practising ethically and in accordance with their professional engineering institution’s code of conduct.

The arrangements for HRB Registration are currently being finalised, and it will be formally launched later in the year. For more information, please see the UK-SPEC HRB webpage.

For press enquiries:
Helen Potts, Engineering Council –, 020 3206 0568

The Engineering Council holds the national Register of Engineering Technicians (EngTech), Incorporated Engineers (IEng), Chartered Engineers (CEng) and Information and Communication Technology Technicians (ICTTech). It also sets and maintains the internationally recognised standards of competence and ethics that govern the award and retention of these titles. By this means it is able to ensure that employers, government and wider society, both at home and overseas, can have confidence in the skills and commitment of registrants. For more information visit:

