Implementation of sanctions against Russia
Published: 16/12/2022
Measures announced on 30 September to prohibit the provision of services to persons connected with Russia have been implemented today, with regulations under Section 55(3) of the Sanctions Act.
These measures prohibit the direct or indirect provision of engineering services, IT consultancy and design services (as well as advertising services, auditing services and architectural services) to persons connected with Russia. “Persons” in this context includes legal entities as well as individuals.
The legislation and guidance offer full detail about the scope of these prohibitions, including where exceptions and licences apply. These include an exemption for engineering services related to the discharge of or compliance with UK statutory obligations. These concern public safety and are services set out as reserved by statute, regulation or industry standards to licensed or otherwise approved persons. There is also an exemption for the delivery of humanitarian assistance and for services that engineers consider essential to protect the health and safety of citizens in emergencies.
The time-limited exception to fulfil obligations under contracts concluded before the regulations came into force has been extended from one month to three months for this wave of sanctions. The actions that providers of prohibited services may need to take in order to comply with these sanctions will differ based on the nature of their activities and trade. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) recommends that providers consider taking legal advice and will undertake an engagement programme with business, including webinars, to offer further information as appropriate.
The Engineering Council continues to work closely with BEIS on behalf of the engineering profession, providing views and expertise. Registered engineers and technicians are advised to contact their professional engineering institution (PEI) for advice if required.
For press enquiries:
Kate Webster, Engineering Council –, 020 3206 0567
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