Registrants’ contribution to engineering recognised in awards
Published: 28/01/2021
The Engineering Council would like to congratulate the registrants who have been recognised in recent awards from licensed professional engineering institutions the Institution of Mechanical Engineering (IMechE) and the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS).
By becoming professionally registered, all Chartered Engineers (CEng), Incorporated Engineers (IEng) and Engineering Technicians (EngTech) have demonstrated their competence and commitment against an internationally recognised standard. This includes a personal commitment to professional standards, recognising obligations to society, the profession and the environment.
The IMechE has recognised three registrants in its annual Prestige Awards. These awards champion engineers who, through professional or volunteering efforts, have improved the world or advanced the discipline of engineering.
The 2020 winners include:
Ahmed Kovacevic CEng FIMechE, who received the James Clayton Prize. This award recognises an exceptional contribution to modern engineering science – by way of research, invention, experimental work, a paper on a modern engineering subject, originality in engineering design or by service to engineering.
“I am extremely honoured to receive this prestigious prize which is tribute to the work of our team in the field of fluid machinery.” – Ahmed Kovacevic CEng FIMechE
Jude Pullen MEng BSc CEng MIMechE received the Alastair Graham-Bryce Award. This award recognises a significant contribution to the encouragement of young people towards a career in engineering.
Jude said: “The award is especially important to me as it was a TV show about design (Better by Design) that made me quit my job and retrain as a Product Design Engineer at Glasgow. So it's a nice 'full circle' to be helping make shows and create projects that inspire young people into what is an amazing career!”
Daniel Ronen CEng FIMechE received the 2020 Verena Winifred Holmes Award (previously known as the Equality and Diversity Award). This is given in recognition of work which stretches the boundaries of expectation for the benefit of the wider society, specifically by undertaking a unique challenge or experience to benefit others, such as disadvantaged young people.
On receiving the award Daniel Ronen said:
“I am honoured to receive this award from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and hope that it will inspire others to work together to help build an inclusive and positive legacy for future generations.”
The UAVaid Team, led by Daniel Ronen, has also won the Royal Aeronautical Society’s 2020 Team Specialist Award. This is one of a series of Specialist Awards presented to those working in a formally recognised or otherwise well-established professional discipline.
This award recognises outstanding sector leadership and technical achievement in the field of Unmanned Aviation in Humanitarian and Development Settings. The UAVaid team achieved this through the technical research, design and development of their multi-role ‘Hansard’ UAS platform, which is believed to have set a number of ‘world firsts’ tackling technical, logistical and social barriers in the use of drones to help those in need. Through accelerating and supporting the scaling up these practical applications, UAVaid’s team undertook a successful flight programme in Malawi in 2019, where it was integrated into three separate public and Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) services in a single day.
Read more about the IMechE’s Prestige Awards.
Read more about the RAeS Awards.
For press enquiries:
Kate Webster, Engineering Council –, 020 3206 0567
The Engineering Council holds the national Register of Engineering Technicians (EngTech), Incorporated Engineers (IEng), Chartered Engineers (CEng) and Information and Communication Technology Technicians (ICTTech). It also sets and maintains the internationally recognised standards of competence and ethics that govern the award and retention of these titles. By this means it is able to ensure that employers, government and wider society, both at home and overseas, can have confidence in the skills and commitment of registrants. For more information visit: