Registrant wins the RAEng Armourers and Brasiers Company Prize
Published: 21/09/2021
Professor Mary Ryan FREng CEng FIMMM has been announced as the 2021 winner of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) Armourers and Brasiers Company Prize for excellence in materials engineering. This prize recognises Professor Ryan’s outstanding career in material science and nanotechnology.
Professor of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Professor Ryan is the RAEng/Shell Chair in Interfacial Science at Imperial College London and a brilliant innovator in interfacial materials science and corrosion. She is world-leading in the novel application of advanced techniques to explore electrochemical processes at the nanoscale under complex real-world conditions.
Corrosion is an expensive problem that impacts all areas of engineering and Professor Ryan collaborates extensively with industry, particularly in the energy sector, to develop understanding, risk assessment and solutions to corrosion problems. Her insights have also led to the application of corrosion phenomena in developing functional nanomaterials for energy and healthcare.
Her expertise was sought by RAF Museum Cosford on the treatment of the “flying pencil”—the Dornier Do17 and she sits on the RAF Museum Research Board. She works extensively with heritage organisations, including The Mary Rose Trust, and has worked with the Victoria and Albert Museum developing programmes on the history and future of nanotechnologies.
Professor Ryan will be presented with her award at the RAEng AGM to be held at Prince Philip House in London on 22 September. Other winners who will receive their award include Dr Larissa Suzuki BSc MPhil PhD CEng FRSA MIET AFHEA, winner of the Rooke Award.
Editor’s notes
Press enquiries: Kate Webster, Engineering Council –, 07711 375709
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