Record numbers of technicians become professionally registered, as new registrations continue to increase
Published: 16/04/2018
The Engineering Council’s Annual Registration Statistics Report 2017 shows that 2017 was the fourth consecutive year in which new final stage registrations have increased, with 9,964 engineers and technicians joining the Register. While the total number of registrants has shown a slight decline of 0.61% in 2017, the total number of registrations has grown by 4.66% to 243,493 in the five years since 2013.
The highest number of new Engineering Technicians (EngTech) ever recorded joined the Register in 2017, after a record year in 2016. This positive trend may reflect increasing interest in apprenticeships as a pathway into engineering.
Women continue to represent almost 11% of new stage final registrants in 2017, with 1,059 female engineers added to the Register. The proportion of Chartered Engineers who are female is higher than for other registration titles, at just over 13%, compared to 6.39% of Incorporated Engineers and 6.65% of Engineering Technicians.
International registrations represented 18.61% of total registrations in 2017, a very slight fall compared to the previous year.
Alasdair Coates, Engineering Council CEO says:
“We are pleased to see positive trends, with the number of new final registrations increasing year on year and an unprecedented number of Engineering Technicians becoming registered in 2017. Registration is open to any practicing engineer or technician who can demonstrate the required level of competence – there are many routes into engineering, but the standard achieved is what matters. It is noted that overall the growth of just under 5% over the last five years is an indication of the value of professional registration.
While the proportion of women engineers and technicians on the Register is still low, female engineers and technicians make up close to 11% of those who have joined the Register this year. The Engineering Council continues to support women in engineering and to champion diversity and inclusion across the profession.”
* All statistics provided in this release are as of 31 December 2017.
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For press enquiries:
Kate Webster, Engineering Council:, 020 3206 0567
The Engineering Council holds the national Register of Engineering Technicians (EngTech), Incorporated Engineers (IEng), Chartered Engineers (CEng) and Information and Communication Technology Technicians (ICTTech). It also sets and maintains the internationally recognised standards of competence and ethics that govern the award and retention of these titles. By this means it is able to ensure that employers, government and wider society, both at home and overseas, can have confidence in the skills and commitment of registrants. For more information visit: