Agreement to facilitate professional mobility with Engineers Ireland
Published: 11/12/2018
The Engineering Council is pleased to announce an agreement with Engineers Ireland that will facilitate the mobility of engineering professionals between the UK and Ireland. This enables ongoing recognition of professional competence for UK engineers working in Ireland and Irish engineers working in the UK.
Engineers Ireland is the registration body for engineers on the island of Ireland and this Admissions Pathways Agreement (APA) creates streamlined processes for professional registration, in a straightforward way.
The APA aims to minimise duplication of assessment processes for all professional titles awarded by both authorities, supporting professional mobility and maintaining public confidence in the quality of professional competence in both jurisdictions. To support this, registrants of both the Engineering Council and Engineers Ireland are required to demonstrate they are maintaining and developing their professional competence through a process of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
Alasdair Coates, Chief Executive Officer of the Engineering Council, said “Mutual recognition of professional registration between the UK and Ireland is important, and this agreement provides reassurance to registrants that recognition of their professional competence will continue. Engineering is a global profession and the aim of the Engineering Council’s international activity is to ensure that our standards are globally recognised and facilitate the international mobility of engineering professionals.”
For press enquiries:
Kate Webster, Engineering Council –, 020 3206 0567
The Engineering Council is the regulatory body for the UK engineering profession and holds the national Register of Engineering Technicians (EngTech), Incorporated Engineers (IEng), Chartered Engineers (CEng) and Information and Communication Technology Technicians (ICTTech). It also sets and maintains the internationally recognised standards of competence and ethics that govern the award and retention of these titles. By this means it is able to ensure that employers, government and wider society, both at home and overseas, can have confidence in the skills and commitment of registrants. For more information visit:
Engineers Ireland is the registration body for engineers on the island of Ireland and has regional branches in Northern Ireland, GB and in Australia/New Zealand. Engineers Ireland is the sole authority to award the professional ttles of Chartered Engineer, Associate Engineer and Engineering Technician in the Republic of Ireland, and is the Competent Authority for engineers under the EU Directive on Professional Qualifications.