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Engineering News

New NEPC report calls on the Government to promote, prioritise and invest in sustainable AI

Published: 14/02/2025

The National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC) has urged the Government to ensure that tech companies accurately report how much energy and water their artificial intelligence (AI) data centres are using. …

Flt Lt David Littlemore's journey to becoming professionally registered

Flt Lt David Littlemore's journey to becoming professionally registered

Published: 12/08/2016

Watch our case study video of Flt Lt David Littlemore as he shares his experiences of becoming professionally registered, first as an Incorporated Engineer before progressing to Chartered Engineer. …

New IET bursary scheme supports engineering students and apprentices from disadvantaged backgrounds

New IET bursary scheme supports engineering students and apprentices from disadvantaged backgrounds

Published: 12/08/2016

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has launched a new initiative to help students and apprentices who have overcome obstacles or personal challenges to pursue their passion for engineering …

Engineers Without Borders UK launches new strategy

Engineers Without Borders UK launches new strategy

Published: 21/07/2016

Engineers Without Borders UK has launched a new five year strategy 'Engineering Change' …

Half year statistics show a rise in EngTech and female registrations

Half year statistics show a rise in EngTech and female registrations

Published: 21/07/2016

The Engineering Council’s registration statistics for the first half of 2016 show an overall rise in the number of new, final stage registrants joining the national Register, with particularly positive trends for EngTech and female registrations …

Gemma Lonsdale wins 2016 Baroness Platt of Writtle Award

Gemma Lonsdale wins 2016 Baroness Platt of Writtle Award

Published: 20/07/2016

Squadron Leader Gemma Lonsdale IEng MIET has won the 2016 Baroness Platt of Writtle Award for her outstanding work as an engineer officer in the Royal Air Force. This prestigious annual award recognises the achievements of a newly registered Incorporated Engineer …

Gemma Lonsdale wins 2016 Baroness Platt of Writtle award

Gemma Lonsdale wins 2016 Baroness Platt of Writtle award

Published: 20/07/2016

Squadron Leader Gemma Lonsdale IEng MIET has won the 2016 Baroness Platt of Writtle Award for her outstanding work as an engineer officer in the Royal Air Force (RAF). …

Solveiga Pakštaitė named winner of the 2016 Hawley Award for her bio-reactive food expiry label

Solveiga Pakštaitė named winner of the 2016 Hawley Award for her bio-reactive food expiry label

Published: 20/07/2016

The Engineers Trust has announced the winner of its 2016 Hawley Award for Engineering Innovation that benefits the Environment. Solveiga Pakštaitė has been awarded the £5,000 cash prize for her project “Bump Mark: the bio-reactive food expiry label”. …

First Trailblazer apprentices graduate at House of Commons ceremony

First Trailblazer apprentices graduate at House of Commons ceremony

Published: 18/07/2016

The first apprentices following the new employer designed Trailblazer Apprenticeship standard have graduated at an event in the House of Commons …

Engineers Without Borders UK project included in top 50 New Radicals list

Engineers Without Borders UK project included in top 50 New Radicals list

Published: 18/07/2016

The Engineering for People Design Challenge, a project run by Engineers Without Borders UK, has earned a place on the New Radicals 2016 list of 50 top people, projects and organisations changing the UK for the better …

Your Journey to Professional Registration

Your Journey to Professional Registration

Published: 08/07/2016

Find out more about the journey to professional registration. …