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Learned Societies’ Liaison Officer at the Foundation for Science and Technology, Keith Lawrey, retires after more than a quarter of a century

Published: 07/05/2024

Keith Lawrey has retired from his role as a specialist Learned and Professional Societies Officer at the Foundation for Science and Technology.  To celebrate a very distinguished career, a special retirement send-off was held in his honour at Gray’s Inn on 24 April.

In 1997, Keith, a legal specialist, was appointed to lead the provision of guidance and support to the work of learned and professional societies. His responsibilities over the years have included organising seminars, conducting surveys, providing legal advice, and publishing newsletters.

The Foundation for Science and Technology is a UK charity that provides a platform for debate of policy issues that have a science, research, technology or innovation element. It brings together Parliamentarians, civil servants, industrialists, researchers, learned societies, charities and others, of which the Engineering Council is one. The most valuable - and sought-after - part of this work has been the one-to-one support that Keith has provided to learned and professional societies on issues from Royal Charters to disciplinary issues, from changing governance documents to the protocol to be followed when a royal patron dies.

Congratulations and best wishes to Keith on his retirement from all the trustees and staff at the Engineering Council.

To learn more about the work of the Foundation, please visit the Foundation for Science and Technology website.


  • 2024