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IChemE’s survey highlights Chartered member status as a crucial factor influencing salaries

Published: 22/05/2024

A recent employment survey conducted by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) has established that Chartered member status is the primary determinant of median salary.

The survey focused upon the IChemE’s Chartered member status which is awarded only by that institution but facilitates additional professional registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng) with the Engineering Council. Respondents highlighted the key ways in which they felt the Chartered Chemical Engineer title had driven their career advancement, including: increased professional recognition, a sense of achievement and increased confidence.

Additional key findings included:

  • Chartered member status appears to be the primary influencer of salaries, with Chartered members commanding an annual median salary of £85,000, whereas non-Chartered engineers earned £47,000 on average.
  • 58% of respondents acknowledged that Chartered status had a positive effect on their career advancement.
  • 92% affirmed that Chartered status boosted their professional credibility and recognition.
  • Overall, median salaries have experienced a 20% increase compared to 2018 survey results.
  • 63% of members expressed either high or moderate satisfaction with their current salary.

It also revealed that until the age of 34, no gender pay gap was evident between men and women. However, starting from the age of 35 a significant gap became apparent, with the median salary for men exceeding that of women by nearly £11,000. This concerning gender gap echoes the conclusions from the 2018 report.

The online survey was completed by 2,402 participants, of which 54% were Chartered Chemical Engineers (MIChemE). Although the survey welcomed responses from all IChemE members regardless of their geographic location, most respondents were from the UK.

For further information on the latest survey findings, please visit the IChemE website.
