EngineeringUK launches new five-year strategy
Published: 18/09/2023
EngineeringUK has announced it is entering a new strategy period, one which will set the direction of the organisation over the next five years.
Driving change to attract more young people to choose engineering and technology careers is EngineeringUK’s core purpose. Its refreshed vision is for the UK to have the diverse workforce needed for engineering and technology to thrive and to drive economic prosperity, improve sustainability and achieve net zero.
Despite the huge opportunities and responsibilities ahead, the sector faces significant workforce challenges.
Dr Hilary Leevers, Chief Executive of EngineeringUK, explains “For engineering and technology to really thrive, we urgently need more people and more diversity in our workforce. Our new strategy provides us, and importantly all of our partners, with a renewed focus on what we’re trying to achieve, and clarity on how we’re going to get there.
“We’re determined to achieve our mission of enabling more young people from all backgrounds to be inspired, informed and progress into engineering and technology. But this will only be possible by working in partnership - we all have a part to play in this.”
EngineeringUK’s strategy from 2023 to 2028 comprises four key strands of activity:
1. Research and evidence – establishing the composition of the current engineering and technology workforce, future workforce needs and how to address them
2. Leadership – leading efforts to grow the collective impact of all engineering and technology inspiration and careers activities with young people of school age
3. Activities for schools – expanding its activities to encourage more, and more diverse, young people into engineering, technician and tech roles
4. Advocacy – providing advocacy and support to address policy and delivery challenges in STEM and careers education and workforce planning for engineering and tech
For full details, please visit the EngineeringUK website