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Engineering response to Covid-19 – can you help?

Published: 20/03/2020

Royal Academy of Engineering logoThe Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) is putting together an initiative to bring together engineers to help tackle the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is having a profound impact on daily life and the economy around the world.

Engineers are asked to use their engineering expertise and networks in the UK and globally to help identify solutions, organisations and contacts that could help governments solve problems and assist the public health response.

You will be aware of the immediate need concerning ventilator manufacture, but RAEng wants to encourage innovation and ideas across the priority areas of healthcare systems, critical infrastructure, business management and the supply chain.

RAEng have set up dedicated pages on their website, where you will be able to:  

  1. respond to active calls
  2. help crowdsource solutions and identify resources
  3. find out about funding opportunities

The website sets out some of the areas in which RAEng think engineers can make a difference, and you are welcome to share the link below with your network. Both you and others can feed back information through the site.

The nature of the crisis means this is being done at speed, so please understand where design and communications are not yet perfect. RAEng are in regular contact with government officials responding to the crisis who have welcomed this offer of assistance, and continue to discuss with them how the engineering community can most usefully provide support.

 Engineering response to Covid-19
