CABE Built Environment Awards 2024 - entries open in June
Published: 30/05/2023
The Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) Built Environment Awards aim to find the best of individuals, projects and teams working across the life cycle of the construction sector.
They allow professionals to demonstrate their continued competence, innovation, and skill, and be recognised and celebrated for these initiatives.
A variety of new awards have been introduced which now sit in three categories – Project Awards, Organisation Awards, and Individual Awards.
This means that everyone working within the industry, whether that’s a small team, a group of researchers, corporate organisations, building engineer professionals or students, now have the opportunity to enter. The awards are open to everyone, so that both CABE members and industry professionals all have the chance to be recognised for their excellent commitment to the sector.
New categories include Carbon Reduction Impact, Accessibility and Inclusivity, and Apprentice of the Year among others.
For more information, visit the CABE website.
Entry to the Built Environment Awards will open in June and information on how to enter will be available on CABE’s Built Environment Website.