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Incorporated Engineer (IEng)

Aoife Campbell IEng MICE

Published: 18/06/2024

The process of professional registration really helps you break down and understand the processes of engineering decisions and better equips you to navigate situations and decisions throughout your career. …

Kwadwo Owusu Asamoah IEng MWeldI

Kwadwo Owusu Asamoah IEng MWeldI

Published: 09/05/2024

Professional registration provides a certain level of confidence to the employer, especially having moved from a different terrain to the UK and it gives me that global appeal. I also needed a structured format to enhance my continuous professional development, which the Engineering Council and The Welding Institute give me with webinars and talks on how to achieve that. …

Robert Clarke IEng MIFireE

Robert Clarke IEng MIFireE

Published: 10/04/2024

My peers and my clients can now demonstrably see that I have been assessed by industry professionals and that I have been accepted as competent in my field. This provides comfort and assurance to them in the advice I give. …

Christopher Tudsbury BEng (Hons) IEng MRAeS MIET InstLM MCMI

Christopher Tudsbury BEng (Hons) IEng MRAeS MIET InstLM MCMI

Published: 15/02/2024

The main benefit for me has been the external validation of my competence, knowledge, and skills. In this fast-paced world and with the increase of career mobility, the ability to be able to quickly showcase these attributes has become indispensable to me. …

Ryan Tamlin IEng MIMechE

Ryan Tamlin IEng MIMechE

Published: 02/01/2024

Apart from looking great on my CV, professional registration has given me self-confidence and self-belief in my own capabilities as an engineer. …

Rebecca Fasham BEng IEng MPWI

Rebecca Fasham BEng IEng MPWI

Published: 06/11/2023

Professional Registration has given me a massive confidence boost in my own abilities and encouraged me to seek out more opportunities than I would have previously. It also looks great on my CV. …

Abhijeet Acharya MSc BTech IEng MIET MAPM

Abhijeet Acharya MSc BTech IEng MIET MAPM

Published: 20/09/2023

Professional registration provides evidence that I am a qualified and competent engineer. This is an advantage to my employer when bidding for future projects, as clients often specify the requirement of professionally registered engineers for their projects. …

Euan MacLean IEng MIMechE

Euan MacLean IEng MIMechE

Published: 04/09/2023

Being professionally registered opens up new avenues of training and professional development, and also gives you access to a wide community of like-minded engineers who can share resources and expertise on a particular subject. …

Thiben Kerisnain BEng (Hons) IEng MIET

Thiben Kerisnain BEng (Hons) IEng MIET

Published: 10/07/2023

Professional registration shows my commitment to professional development. This also highlights to my employer my initiatives to continuously improve and equip myself with the knowledge that helps meet their organisational goals.   …

Rebecca Hatch MBA IEng MILP

Rebecca Hatch MBA IEng MILP

Published: 16/05/2023

Having professional registration has allowed me to progress through internal promotions and seek new roles when I have chosen to move employer, it has also provided evidence of competency when bidding for projects or contracts. …

Shane Finn IEng MICE

Shane Finn IEng MICE

Published: 04/05/2023

Professional registration has benefited me by showing colleagues and clients that I have the skills and competence expected of someone in my role. It has also widened my professional social media network and led to me being approached for the role I am currently in. …