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Chartered Engineer (CEng)

F. Timothy Erich FdEng BEng MBA CEng MIET

Published: 24/04/2024

It demonstrated a high level of commitment, focus, drive, ambition, and determination as well as a winning mindset, which has not only benefitted my own career, opening new pathways to different areas I may not have gained exposure to before, but also helped inspire others. …

Shakir Tahir PGD TM (Open) BSc (Hons) BSc (Open) CEng MIET MRAeS

Shakir Tahir PGD TM (Open) BSc (Hons) BSc (Open) CEng MIET MRAeS

Published: 26/01/2021

The responsibilities that come with the title have made me a better engineer. It has changed my approach to decision making, knowing that I must abide by a professional code of conduct, sanctioned by the profession. …