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Engineering News Archive

Board retreat focuses on the future

Published: 03/11/2017

The Engineering Council’s annual Board retreat, held on 20 and 21 September at MoD Lyneham, focused on implementing our 2018-2020 Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Plan demonstrates the Engineering Council’s commitment to being forward-thinking, activity-oriented and ensuring what we do is relevant for professional engineering institutions (PEIs), professional affiliates and, most importantly, registrants.

Professor Chris Atkin CEng FRAes set the scene for the retreat, his first as Chairman, introduced Dr Hayaatun Sillem, Royal Academy of Engineering Deputy CEO and Director of Strategy, who spoke on the Academy’s work on BREXIT and the industrial strategy. The Board was welcomed to MoD Lyneham by Colonel Heal, Commandant of HQ DSEME and Head of Establishment.

Chief Executive Officer Alasdair Coates BEng(Hons) MSc CEng FICE MCIHT CMIOSH introduced the retreat, which consisted of four key sessions, each lead by a member of the Board and supported by a member of Engineering Council staff. These covered discussion of the priorities within the Strategic Plan, levels of registration and ensuring these continue to be relevant, how we work with Professional Affiliates, and how we might most effectively engage with employers.                 

The Board retreat was a great opportunity to spend focused time on the range of new challenges and opportunities in front of the Engineering Council, as the body that sets and maintains internationally recognised standards of competence and commitment.
