The International Register of Engineering Technologists (IntET) was launched in 2003 by the Engineering Technologists Mobility Forum (ETMF). In 2012, the ETMF was renamed the International Engineering Technologist Agreement (IETA). Each member of the IETA holds its own section of the IntET register. This is denoted by the addition of a jurisdiction identifier to the IntET designatory letters.
The Engineering Council is the UK member of the IETA.
Who can apply for IntET(UK) registration? −
The IntET(UK) qualification is open to Incorporated Engineers who are registered with the Engineering Council and who meet the following requirements:
- An accredited degree recognised under the Sydney Accord, or equivalent academic qualification*
- The competence for independent practise as an engineering technologist as exemplified by the International Engineering Alliance competency profile
- At least seven years post-graduate experience
- At least two years responsibility for significant engineering work
- Maintaining continuing professional development.
*Equivalent academic qualifications are qualifications at the appropriate level attained through formal study or examination, such as an Engineering Gateways degree, first-cycle programme on the FEANI EEED (formerly the FEANI INDEX) or EUR-ACE® database or the Engineering Council Graduate Diploma. Please contact your professional engineering institution for advice.
Please note: Incorporated Engineers who do not hold an accredited degree recognised under the Sydney Accord, or equivalent academic qualification, are currently not eligible to apply for IntET(UK) registration.
How to apply for IntET(UK) −
- Download the application form and guidance note from the useful documents section of this page
- Complete the application form
- Submit your application with evidence of the required experience and CPD, plus £105 registration fee to your professional engineering institution (please contact your professional engineering institution for details of payment options available)
The current registration fee is £105.
Renewal −
Registration is renewable every five years at a fee of £60, and requires demonstration of continued responsibility for significant engineering work and CPD for the period.
Benefits of IntET(UK) registration −
In addition to the benefits gained through IEng professional registration, IntET(UK) offers further benefits:
- Letters after your name, eg J Smith IEng IntET(UK)
- Easier admission to National Registers of IETA member jurisdictions
The Engineering Council and its fellow IETA members are pursuing the possibility of future mutual recognition of professional titles, which would further enhance the benefits of the IntET(UK) qualification.
IntETs coming to the UK −
If you have gained your IntET qualification from another IETA jurisdiction, you can apply for professional registration as an Incorporated Engineer. To do this, the first step is to become a member of one of the UK’s professional engineering institutions>.
As part of your application you will be required to submit the following documents:
- Detailed curriculum vitae of experience since graduation, indicating the levels of responsibility held
- Current record of continuing professional development
- Evidence of IntET registration (confirmation may be sought)
- References from two persons who have a personal knowledge of your competence as an engineering technologist/professional engineer
In recognition of the professional standing of IntET, the Engineering Council allows a streamlined application process consisting of:
- Minimal scrutiny of academic qualification and professional development
- A professional review interview that will concentrate on competence to operate within a UK professional environment, rather than assessment of general competence.
Some professional engineering institutions may have additional membership requirements to this streamlining.
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