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Giving feedback to the Engineering Council

Engineering Council Feedback and Complaints

At the Engineering Council we work with the Professional Engineering Institutions (PEIs) that we license. This ensures that the PEIs’ processes and standards are applied fairly and consistently when they assess the competence and commitment of their members for professional registration. We welcome all feedback concerning regulation of the engineering profession in the UK, both as a means of continuing to improve our overall service and to meet our own Charter and Bye-Law commitments.

How do I give general feedback to the Engineering Council?

The Engineering Council welcomes all feedback concerning regulation of the engineering profession in the UK. You can give feedback to the Engineering Council via the Contact Us form

How do I make a complaint to the Engineering Council?

If you’re dissatisfied with the conduct of a Professional Engineering Institution (PEI) or the Engineering Council, you can make a formal complaint via the Engineering Council’s formal complaints process. We at the Engineering Council will make every effort to deal with the issues raised and report back transparently and in a timely manner.

Please note, as the Engineering Council is governed by a Royal Charter, we have a very specific and defined remit. As such, there is a clear scope of the complaints which the Engineering Council can investigate. See below for more details.

If you are unhappy with an individual engineer or business:

Whilst the Engineering Council is unable to investigate complaints against individuals or suppliers, here are some options you may wish to consider:

Our Remit

Please note that The Engineering Council can only investigate complaints that fall within our remit. This includes complaints regarding:

Some complaints and requests are outside the remit of the Engineering Council. The Engineering Council cannot:

How we handle your complaint

At the Engineering Council we aim to acknowledge all complaints or other feedback within two working days via an email acknowledgement. We aim to investigate and resolve your complaint within ten working days unless additional information or time for investigation is required. If your complaint is viewed as not being within the Engineering Council’s remit, you will be informed of this.

Before you contact us

Before making your complaint, please view our FAQs section, to see if an answer already exists for your complaint or query. Please also read the section above titled Our Remit, which details the types of complaints that the Engineering Council can and cannot investigate.

Contact us

Complaints should be made using our Contact Us form. You may also contact us via email at

Data Protection

For information about how your data is processed during the complaints procedure, and your rights as a data subject, please see our privacy notice.



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