3M United Kingdom Plc
Aberdeen College
Abingdon & Witney College
Abu Dhabi Men's Higher College of Technology
Activate Learning - Banbury and Bicester College
Adam Smith College
Admiral Makarov State Maritime Academy St Petersburg - Russia
Admiral Makarov State University for Maritime and Inland Shipping, St Petersburg
Advanced Technology Centre, Athens - Greece
Aesseal plc
African Leadership College
AGH Engineering Ltd
Agusta Westland
Air Transport Training College
Airbus Operations Limited
Airbus UK
Aircelle Ltd
Alexandria University - Egypt
Alstom Power Ltd
Amec Foster Wheeler
AMEC Foster Wheeler (Aberdeen)
Amity University (Dubai Campus)
Amity University (Lucknow Campus)
Amity University (Noida Campus)
Anglia Polytechnic
Anglia Polytechnic University
Anglia Ruskin University
Anglian Water
Anglian Water Services Limited
Anniesland College
Appris Management Ltd
AQA Education
Arab Academy for Science & Technology, Alexandria - Egypt
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
Arab Open University (Kuwait Branch)
Architectural Association Graduate School
Army Air Corps (AAC) - Ministry of Defence (MOD)
Asian Aviation Centre
Asian Institute of the Built Environment (AIBE)
Askham Bryan College
Aston University, Birmingham
Atkins (Transportation)
Augusta Westland
Australian Maritime College - Australia
Automated Technology Group
Avensys Ltd
Avensys UK Ltd
Avon Vale Training Ltd
Ayr College
Babcock Aerospace Ltd
Babcock Airports
Babcock Engineering Services
Babcock Integrated Technology Systems and Equipment
Babcock Marine (Rosyth)
BAE Systems
BAE Systems - Electronic Systems
BAE Systems - Naval Ships
BAE Systems (Isle of Wight)
BAE Systems (Portsmouth)
BAE Systems (Submarine Solutions)
BAE Systems Military Aircraft Solutions
BAE Systems Military Training Academy, Robin Hood International Airport
Bahrain Polytechnic
Bahrain Polytechnic
Baltic State Academy of The Fishing Fleet, Kaliningrad - Russia
Banff & Buchan College of Further Education
Banff and Buchan College
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Bangor University
Banki Donat Polytechnic - Hungary
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
Barnsley College
Basingstoke College of Technology
Bath College of Further Education
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education - Belfast
Belfast Metropolitan College
Belgorod State Technical Academy of Building Materials - Russia
Bell Coll of Technology with West of Scotland Agricultural College
Bell College of Technology
BGAS Management Committee
Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research
Birmingham City University
Birmingham Metropolitan College
Birmingham Polytechnic
Blackburn College
Blackpool & The Fylde College
BMT Defence Services Ltd
Bolton College
Bolton Institute of Higher Education
Bolton Institute of Technology
Bombardier Aerospace Belfast
BorgWarner Turbo Systems
Bournemouth Polytechnic
Bournemouth University
Bradford and Ilkley College
Bradford College
Bradford Training Association Ltd (BTAL)
Brettex Site Services
Bridgend College
Bridgewater College
Brighton College of Technology
Brighton Polytechnic
Bristol Polytechnic
British Airways
British Engines UK Ltd
British Gas Exploration & Production
British Waterways
Bromley College of Technology
Brooklands College
Brooksby Melton College
Brunel and Gordano Training Group
Brunel Training Group
Brunel University
Brunel University with Buckinghamshire College
Brunel University with Trowbridge College
Brush Electrical Machines Ltd
BTC Testing Advisory Group
Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
Buckinghamshire College of Higher Education
Buckinghamshire New University
Budapest Technical University - Hungary
Burnley College
Burton and South Derbyshire College
Burton College
Burton on Trent College
Burton upon Trent Technical College
BVT Surface Fleet Limited
Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman
Camborne School of Mines - Exeter University
Cambridge Regional College
Cambridge University
Cambuslang College
Cannock Chase College
Canterbury Christ Church University
Canterbury College
Cardiff and Vale College
Cardiff Institute of Higher Education
Cardiff University
Cardonald College
Carillion Rail Signalling
Carl Zeiss Microscopy Limited
Carlisle College
Castings Technology International (Cti)
Castle Precision Engineering Ltd
Caterpillar Peterlee Ltd
Catholic University Parahyangan, Bandung - Indonesia
Celsa Manufacturing (UK) Ltd
Central College Nottingham
Central Networks
Central Sussex College
Centrax Industries Ltd
Centre for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence (CEME)
Charles Darwin University
Chelmsford City Council
Cheshire College of Agriculture
Chinese University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
Chongqing University, China
Chubb Systems Ltd
Cisco International Ltd
City & Guilds
City College Coventry
City College of Higher Education
City College, Thessaloniki
CITY Liberal Studies, Thessaloniki
City of Bath College
City of Bristol College
City of Liverpool Community College
City of London Polytechnic
City St George's, University of London
City University, London
City, University of London
Clarke Energy
Cleveland Open Learning Unit (COLU)
Cochin University of Science and Technology - India
Colchester Institute of Higher Education
Coleg Cambria
Coleg Menai
Coleg Sir Gar
College of Contract Management
College of Mechanical Engineering & Automation - Hungary
College of Technology, Dublin - Ireland
College of Technology, Galle, Sri Lanka
Colombo International Nautical and Engineering College - Sri Lanka
Comau (UK) Ltd
Confederation of Fire Protection Associations in Europe
Cork Institute of Technology
Cork Regional Technical College
Cork Regional Technical College - Ireland
Cornwall College
Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - HM Forces
Corps of Royal Engineers
Corus Strip Products UK
Coventry Polytechnic
Coventry Technical College
Coventry University
Cranfield University (Cranfield Campus)
Cranfield University (Royal Military College of Science) Shrivenham
Cranfield University at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom
Cranfield University, Silsoe College - Beds
Crawley College
Cristal UK Pigment Ltd.
Croydon College
CSkills Awards
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE)
Cummins Ltd
Cummins Turbo Technologies Ltd
Curtin University of Technology - Australia
Curtin University of Technology, Malaysia
DAF Trucks
Dalian Maritime University - China
Darlington College of Technology
David Brown Gear Systems
Davy Markham Ltd
DCAE Cosford
DCCIS (RAF Cosford)
De Havilland College
De Montfort University
Deeside College
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
Delft University of Technology - Netherlands
Delphi Diesel Systems
Derby College (The Roundhouse)
Derbyshire College of Higher Education
Derwent Training Association
Derwent Training Association (DTA)
Develop Training Ltd
Devon County Council
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Donbas State Academy of Civil Engineering & Architecture - Ukraine
Doncaster College
Doncaster College and University Centre
Doncaster Metropolitan Institute of Education
Doosan Babcock Energy Ltd
Doosan Babcock Ltd
Doosan Babock Energy Ltd
Doosan Power Systems Ltd
Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL)
DP World London Gateway
DSAE (RAF Cosford)
Dublin City University - Ireland
Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton Street - Ireland
Dublin Institute of Technology, Kevin Street - Ireland
Dudley College
Dumfries and Galloway College of Technology
Dundee and Angus College
Dundee College
Dundee College of Technology
Dundee Institute of Technology
Dunlop Aerospace Braking Systems
Durham, New College
Durr Limited
Dyer Engineering Limited
E.N.S. Des Industries Chimiques De Nancy - France
E.ON UK Engineering Academy
Ealing Tertiary College
East Birmingham College
East Coast College
East Lancashire Institute of Higher Education, Blackburn
East Sussex College
Eastwood Park Training
Eastwood Park Training Limited
Ecoles Nationales Superieures - France
EDF Energy
eDF Energy Generation
Edge Hill University
Edinburgh Napier University
Edinburgh's Telford College
EEF Technology Training Centre, Aston
Eindhoven University of Technology
Elmwood Agricultural College
Emirates Aviation University
Empower Training Services Ltd
EMTA Awards Ltd
Energy and Utility Skills
Engineer Resources Div
Erhvervs Uddannelses Centre - Denmark
ETC Awards Ltd
Etisalat College of Engineering
Evesham College of Further Education
Exeter College
Fabricom Offshore Services
Falkirk College of Technology
Falmouth University
Farnborough College of Technology
Felixstowe Dock & Railway Company
Fife College
Finning UK Ltd
Fire Industry Association
Fire Protection Association
Fire Service Accreditation Board
Fire Service College
Fire Service Examinations Board
Flybe Aviation Academy
FMC Technologies Ltd
Footscray Institute of Technology - Australia
Ford Motor Company Ltd
Foreign & Commonwealth Office Services
Fort Vale Engineering Ltd
Four Counties Training Ltd
Frederiksberg Tekniske Skole - Denmark
Fremantle College of Tertiary and Further Education - Australia
FSEIHPE - Astrakhan State Technical University
Furmanite International Limited
Furness College
Gardiner Associates Training and Research (GATR)
Gatwick Airport Ltd (GAL)
GE Aviation
GE Oil & Gas
General Dynamics United Kingdom Ltd
Glamorgan University
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow College of Building & Printing
Glasgow College of Nautical Studies
Glasgow Polytechnic
GlaxoSmithKline GMS Ware
Gloucester College of Arts & Technology
Gloucester Engineering Training Limited
Gloucestershire College
Glyndwr University
Gower College Swansea
Graham Engineering
Grants Electrical Services (NI) Ltd
Grimsby College
Grimsby Institute
Guildford College of Further & Higher Education
Gulf University
Gwent College of Higher Education
Gwynedd Technical College
H.M Armed Forces - Arborfield School of Electronic and Aeronautical Engineering
H.M. Armed Forces - HMS Daedalus
H.M. Armed Forces - HMS Sultan
H.M. Armed Forces - RAF Cosford
H.M. Armed Forces - RAF Cranwell, Kingston University
H.M. Armed Forces - RAF Halton
H.M. Armed Forces - RAF St. Athan
H.M. Armed Forces - REME Arborfield School of Electrical Eng
H.M. Armed Forces - REME, Bordon
H.M. Armed Forces - RN Engineering College(Manadon/RAFC Cranwel
H.M. Armed Forces - RN Engineering College, Manadon
H.M. Armed Forces - RN HMS Collingwood
H.M. Armed Forces - RN Marine Engineering (MESDOC)
H.M. Armed Forces - RN Marine Engineering (SDMESM)
H.M. Armed Forces - RN Naval College, Greenwich
H.M. Armed Forces - Royal School of Military Engineering
H.M. Armed Forces - Royal School of Signals, Blandford Camp
Hadley Group
Haking Wong Institue - Hong Kong
Halton College
Hamworthy Combustion Engineering Ltd
Harbin Engineering University - China
Harper Adams Agricultural College
Harper Adams University
Harper Adams University College
Hartlepool College of Further Education
Hastings College of Arts & Technology
Hatfield Polytechnic
Havering College of Further & Higher Education
Hayward Tyler Ltd
HCL Technologies Ltd (Xerox Ltd)
Heathrow Airport Ltd
Heathrow Airport Ltd (HAL)
Henley College Coventry
Herefordshire Group Training Association
Heriot-Watt University
Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus
Heriot-Watt University Malaysia Campus
Herts Centre for Building Studies - St Albans
Highbury College
Higher Inst of Mech & Electrical Engineering, Sofia - Bulgaria
Higher Technical Institute - Cyprus
Hinduststan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS)
HMAS Cerberus
Hong Kong City University - Hong Kong
Hong Kong College of Technology
Hong Kong Polytechnic - Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Hong Kong
Hong Kong Technical College (Chai Wan) - Hong Kong
Hong Kong Technical College (Tsing Yi) - Hong Kong
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology - Hong Kong
Hope Cement Works
HS Marston Aerospace Ltd
Huddersfield Polytechnic
Huddersfield Technical College
Humberside Engineering Training Association (HETA)
Humberside Polytechnic/Humberside College of Higher Education
Hunter Institute of Technology - Australia
Huntsman Polyurethanes
Hutchinson Whampoa Company, Port of Felixstowe
Hychrome (Europe) Ltd
HydraForce Hydraulics Ltd
IMI Awards Ltd
Imperial College, London
Industrial Automation & Control (IAC) Ltd
Industrial Automation & Control Ltd
Industry Qualifications
Infinis Energy
Institute of Applied Technology Fife
Institute of Engineering Technology, Sri Lanka
Institute of Engineering Technology, Sri Lnaka
Institute of Materials Finishing
Institute of Technology of Surabaya - Java
Institute of Technology of Surabaya, Java
Institute of Technology Tralee
Institute of Technology, Carlow
Inverness College, UHI
IPS International
IPS International Ltd
IPS Rochester
Isis Training Services Ltd
Jacob Kramer College, Leeds
Jaguar Land Rover
Jaguar Land Rover Ltd
James Cook University of North Queensland - Australia
James Walker & Co Limited
JBC Computer Training Ltd
Jewel & Esk Valley College
Jiangsu Maritime Institute
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
JLR (Jaguar Land Rover Ltd)
John Deere
Jordan University of Science and Technology
JTL Training
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology – KIIT University
Kando Polytechnic of Technology - Hungary
Kazakh-British Technical University
Kellogg Brown & Root
Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research
Kilmarnock College
Kimberly-Clark Ltd
Kingston College
Kingston Polytechnic
Kingston University
Kirkcaldy College of Technology
Kirkdale Industrial Training Services (KITS)
Kirklees College
KLM UK Engineering
KLM UK Engineering Ltd
Lackham College of Agriculture
Lakes College West Cumbria
Lancashire Polytechnic
LANTRA Awards Ltd
Lauder College
Leeds Beckett University
Leeds City College
Leeds College of Building
Leeds Metropolitan University
Leeds Polytechnic
Leeds Training Trust
Leeds Trinity University
Leicester Polytechnic
Leonardo (MW) Ltd
Leonardo Helicopters
Lewisham College
Lews Castle College; University of Highlands and Islands
Lincoln College
Lincolnshire College of Agriculture
Liverpool Hope University
Liverpool John Moores University
Liverpool Polytechnic
Liverpool University - Xi'an Jiaotong (XJTLU)
Llandrillo College
London College of Fashion
London Guildhall University
London Metropolitan University
London South Bank University
London University
Longlands College of Further Education
Lotus Engineering
Loughborough College
Loughborough University
Lowestoft College
Luton College of Higher Education
Macao Polytechnic Institute
MAN Bus & Coach
MAN Truck & Bus
Manchester Metropolitan University
Manchester Open Learning
Manchester Polytechnic
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)
Manx Utilities Ltd
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)
Maritime and Engineering College North West
Marshall Aerospace Aviation Academy
Mercey Maritime College
Merlin Entertainments
Mersey Maritime College
Merton College
Met Office
Metropolitan Police Service
MGPS Services Ltd
Mid Warwickshire College of Further Education
Middle East College
Middlesex Polytechnic
Middlesex University
Mid-Kent College of Higher & Further Education
Midland Group Training Services Ltd
Miliking Equipment Association Parloursafe
Military Technological College
Milton Keynes College
Mineral Products Qualifications Council
Ministry of Higher Education
MoD (DE&S) Abbey Wood
MoD St Athan (RAF) No. 4 School of Technical Training (SoTT)
MOD, Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S)
Molson Coors UK Ltd
Monash University - Australia
Monash University - Malaysia
Moray College; University of Highlands and Islands
Morrison Energy Services
Morrison Utility Services (US)
Moscow State Automobile Institute
Moscow State University of Civil Engineers - Russia
Motherwell College
Motherwell College & James Watt College
Moulton College
MTC Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre
Munster Technological University
Murmansk State Academy of The Fishing Fleet - Russia
N G Bailey
Nanyang Technological University - Singapore
Napier Polytechnic of Edinburgh
Napier University
National Fluid Power Centre
National Grid
National Grid PLC
National Institute for Higher Education - Limerick
National Institute for Higher Education, Dublin - Ireland
National University Odessa Maritime Academy - Ukraine
National University of Galway - Ireland
National University of Singapore - Singapore
Neath Port Talbot College
Nelson and Colne College
Nene College
NESCOT University
Network Rail
New College, Nottingham
Newbury College
Newby Foundries Ltd
Newcastle Aviation Academy
Newcastle College
Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic
Newport & District Group Training Association
Newport and District Group Training Association (NDGTA)
Ngee Ann Polytechnic - Singapore
Nilai University
Ningbo University
Norfolk College
North East London Polytechnic
North East Surrey College of Technology
North East Wales Institute of Higher Education
North Eastern Engineering
North Hertfordshire College
North Lincolnshire College
North Lindsey College
North Lindsey College, Scunthorpe
North Nottinghamshire College
North Shropshire College
North Staffordshire Engineering Group Training Association (NSEGTA)
North Staffordshire Polytechnic
North Warwickshire & Hinckley College
North West College of Technology - Londonderry
North West College of Technology, Londonderry
North West Institute of Further and Higher Education
North West London College
North West Water & Bolton Metropolitan College
Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE) Networks Ltd
Northern Regional College
Northwestern Polytechnic University
Norwich City College of Further & Higher Education
Nottingham Engineering Training Association
Nottingham Polytechnic
Nottingham Trent University
Nuclear Restoration Services (NRS)
Nuvia Ltd
Oaklands College
Ocean University of China
Odess National Maritime Academy
Odessa State Maritime Academy - Ukraine
Odessa State Maritime University - Ukraine
Ollscoil na Gaillimhe – University of Galway
Oman LNG
Open College Network West Midlands
Open University
Outokumpu Stainless Ltd
Oxford Brookes - Abingdon and Witney College
Oxford Brookes - Banbury and Bicester College
Oxford Brookes - Bridgwater & Taunton College
Oxford Brookes - Brooklands College
Oxford Brookes - Solihull College
Oxford Brookes - Wiltshire College
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford Polytechnic
Packaging Automation Ltd
Paisley College of Technology
Partnership Development Solutions Ltd
Pearson Education Ltd
Pembrokeshire College
Peninsula Technikon - South Africa
PERA Training
Perkins Engines Company Ltd
Pershore College of Horticulture
Perth College, University of Highlands and Islands
PES University
PETA Limited
PETA Training and Consultancy Services
Peterborough Regional College
Pine Institute, Hong Kong
Plas Coch College
Plymouth College of Further Education
Plymouth Polytechnic
Polytechnic of Central London
Polytechnic of East London
Polytechnic of North London
Polytechnic of Wales
Pontypridd College
Portsmouth Engineering Training Assn (PETA)
Portsmouth Polytechnic
Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Ed - South Africa
Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
Powell UK Ltd
Prospects College Thames Gateway Ltd
ProVQ/Brooksby Melton College
QinetiQ Apprenticeship Training School, MoD Boscombe Down
Qingdao Huanghai University
Queen Mary & Westfield College
Queen Mary, University of London
Queen's University Belfast
RAF Cosford (DCAE)
RAF St Athan
Reading College
Reaseheath College
Regents College London
Reliance Precision Ltd
Reynolds Training Services Ltd
Richmond upon Thames College
Robert Gordon Institute of Technology
Robert Gordon University
Rochdale Training Association
Rolls Royce
Rolls Royce North East Training Centre
Rolls Royce Plc (Aerospace)
Rolls Royce plc (Bristol)
Rolls Royce Plc (Derby)
Rotheram College of Arts and Technology
Royal Air Force Cosford - Trade Group 4
Royal Corps of Signals (Blandford)
Royal Mail
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - Australia
Royal Military College, Shrivenham
Royal Mint (The)
Royal Navy HMS Sultan
Royal New Zealand Navy
Royal Saudi Air Force
Royal School of Military Engineering
Royal School of Mines - Imperial College
Rugeley power Station
Ruppin Institute - Israel
Rushmore Business School - Mauritius
RWE npower
RWE Thames Water
Rycotewood College
S & B Training Ltd Bristol
S&B Automotive Academy
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Rencol Limited
Salford College of Technology
Salisbury College of Technology
Sandwell College of Further and Higher Education
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS)
School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE)
Schrader Electronics
Science & Technology Facilities Council
Science & Technology Facilities Council as part of UK Research and Innovation
Score Energy Ltd
Score Europe Ltd
Score Group PLC (Score Energy, Score Europe)
Scottish College of Textiles
Scottish Power Energy
Selby College
Sellafield Ltd
Semester: Learning & Development
Seoul National University of Science and Technology
SETA Training & Advisory Services Ltd, Stockport
SETA Training (The Southampton Engineering Training Association)
SETA Training Ltd
SFJ Awards
Shandong Jiaotong University
Shanghai Maritime University
Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy (SASTRA)
Sheffield City Polytechnic
Sheffield College
Sheffield Hallam University
Shell UK Limited
Shrewsbury College of Arts & Technology
Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd
Siemens Industries
Siemens Mobility (RA) Ltd
Siemens PLC
Siemens Rail Automation Communication and Information Systems (Ashby de la Zouch)
Siemens Rail Automation Holdings Ltd
Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT)
Singapore Polytechnic - Singapore
Sino British College (SBC), University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Slack & Parr
Slack & Parr Ltd
Slovak Technical University Bratislavia - Slovakia
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Solent University
Solihull College
Somerset College of Arts and Technology
Soundwell College/City of Bristol College
South Australian Institute of Technology - Australia
South Bank Polytechnic
South Bank University, London
South East London College
South Essex College
South Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education
South Kent College
South Mersey College
South Nottingham College (Castle College)
South Staffordshire Training Association (SSTA)
South Tyneside College
South West College
South West Polytechnic
Southall College of Technology
Southampton Institute of Higher Education
Southampton Solent University
Southampton Solent University (2005 - 2018)
Southwest Jiaotong University
Sparrows Group
Spirax Sarco Ltd UK
Springfields Fuels Ltd
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
SRM University - Channai
St Petersburg State University for Water Communication - Russia
St Petersburg State University of Architecture & Civil Engineering - Russia
Staffordshire Polytechnic
Staffordshire University
State Marine Technical University of St Petersburg - Russia
Stevenage College
STI Myanmar University
STI Myanmar University
Stockport College
Stockport College of Further & Higher Education
Stockport College of Technology
Stockton-Billingham Technical College
Stow College
STP Rotherham Ltd (Prev - Brinsworth Training Ltd)
Suffolk College
Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems (Europe) Ltd (SEWS-E)
Sunderland Polytechnic
Superior Seals
Sutton Coldfield College
Swagelok Ltd
Swansea Institute of Higher Education
Swansea Metropolitan University
Swansea University
Swindon College
Sydney Institute of Technology - Australia
Szechenyi Istvan College - Hungary
Tata Steel (Port Talbot)
Tata Steel Colors
Tata Steel Speciality Steels (Stocksbridge)
Technical University of Plovdiv - Bulgaria
Technical University of Rousse - Bulgaria
Technical University of Sofia - Bulgaria
Technological University Dublin
Teesside Polytechnic
Teesside Tertiary College
TEi Ltd
Teledyne e2v
Telford College of Arts & Technology
Telford College of Technology
Temasek Polytechnic - Singapore
Terex GB Ltd.
Thames Polytechnic
Thames Power Services
The Bournemouth and Poole College
The Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology
The Engineering and Design Institute – TEDI London
The Engineering College
The London College, UCK
The NETA Training Group (Stockton)
The North Highland College, UHI
The Technical Training Group (Middlesbrough) (TTE)
Thurso College
Tianjin University - China
Tipton Centre Of Excellence
Total People
Training 2000 Ltd
Tresham Institute
Trinidad and Tobago Institute
Trinity College, University of Dublin - Ireland
Trinity Fire & Security Systems Ltd
Tronox Holdings Plc
Tronox Pigment UK Ltd
Trowbridge College
TTE Training Ltd
TWI Certification Ltd
UK Power Networks
UKAEA - Cullham Centre for Fusion Energy
UKAEA (previously CCFE)
Ulster Polytechnic
Ultra Electronics Prection Control Systems
Unilever UK
Unilever UK Ltd
Uniper Technologies Ltd Engineering Academy
Universidad de Cadiz
Universidad Valladolid - Spain
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Universite de Lorraine
Universite De Technologie De Compiegne - France
Universiti Kebangsaan - Malaysia
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Marine Engineering Technology (UniKL MIMET)
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi - Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Brunei
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) - Malaysia
University College Jersey (Highlands College)
University College of North Wales, Bangor
University College of Swansea
University College of Wales, Aberystwyth
University College, Cork - Ireland
University College, Dublin - Ireland
University College, Northampton
University Malaya - Malaysia
University of Aberdeen
University of Abertay Dundee
University of Adelaide - Australia
University of Amsterdam - Netherlands
University of Auckland - New Zealand
University of Bath
University of Bedfordshire
University of Belgrade
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham, Dubai Campus
University of Bolton
University of Bradford
University of Brighton
University of Bristol
University of Buckingham
University of Cambridge (Chemical)
University of Cambridge (Computing)
University of Cambridge (Electrical)
University of Cambridge (Materials)
University of Canterbury - New Zealand
University of Cape Town - South Africa
University of Central England in Birmingham
University of Central Lancashire
University of Chester
University of Chichester
University of Cumbria
University of Derby
University of Dundee
University of Durham
University of East Anglia
University of East London
University of Edinburgh
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China - Glasgow College
University of Essex
University of Exeter - Inc. Camborne School of Mines
University of Glasgow
University of Glasgow Singapore
University of Greater Manchester
University of Greenwich
University of Guyana
University of Hertfordshire
University of Highlands & Inverness College
University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
University of Huddersfield
University of Hull
University of Humberside
University of Indonesia, Jakarta - Indonesia
University of Johannesburg
University of Keele
University of Kempten
University of Kent
University of KwaZulu-Natal - South Africa
University of Lancashire
University of Lancaster
University of Leeds
University of Leicester
University of Limerick - Ireland
University of Lincoln
University of Lincolnshire and Humberside
University of Liverpool
University of London - Birkbeck College
University of London - King's College
University of London - Royal Holloway College
University of London - University College London - UCL
University of Luton
University of Malta
University of Manchester
University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology
University of Melbourne - Australia
University of Moratuwa - Sri Lanka
University of New South Wales - Australia
University of Newcastle (NSW) - Australia
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
University of Newcastle upon Tyne (Singapore Campus)
University of North London
University of Northampton
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
University of Nottingham
University of Nottingham - Ningbo Campus, China
University of Nottingham in Malaysia
University of Oviedo
University of Oxford
University of Paisley
University of Pannonia
University of Patras
University of Peradeniya - Sri Lanka
University of Petra
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
University of Plymouth
University of Portsmouth
University of Pretoria - South Africa
University of Queensland - Australia
University of Reading
University of Salford
University of Science & Technology - Malaysia
University of Science and Technology - Ghana
University of Sheffield
University of South Australia - Australia
University of South Wales
University of Southampton
University of St Andrews
University of Staffordshire
University of Stellenbosch - South Africa
University of Stirling
University of Strathclyde
University of Suffolk
University of Sunderland
University of Surrey
University of Sussex
University of Sydney - Australia
University of Technology - Jamaica
University of Teesside
University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV)
University of The West Indies (Trinidad Campus) - West Indies
University of the West of England
University of The West of England, Bristol UWE
University of the West of Scotland
University of The Witwatersrand - South Africa
University of Trinidad and Tobago
University of Ulster
University of Veszprem - Hungary
University of Wales
University of Wales - Newport
University of Wales College, Newport (UWCN)
University of Wales Institute Cardiff
University of Wales Swansea
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
University of Wales, Cardiff
University of Wales, College of Cardiff
University of Wales, Newport
University of Warwick
University of West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
University of West London
University of Western Australia, Crawley
University of Western Sydney
University of Westminster, Informatics Institute of Technologies (IIT)
University of Westminster, London
University of Wollongong - Australia
University of Wolverhampton
University of York
University of Zimbabwe - Zimbabwe
UPM Shotton
UTC Aerospace Systems
Vanderlande Industries UK Ltd
Vellore Institute of Technology - India
Victoria University of Manchester
Victoria University of Technology - Australia
Virgin Media
Vocational Training Council (VTC)
Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Roads - Russia
VT Flagship
Wakefield College
Wakefield College Corporation
Wakefield District
Wales Polytechnic
Walsall College
Warsash Maritime Academy, Southampton Solent University
Warwickshire College (Royal Leamington Spa College)
Warwickshire College (Trident Centre and Rugby Centre)
Warwickshire College (Zenith Centre)
Waterford Institute of Technology
Waterside Training Ltd
Wessex Water
West Anglia College
West Australian Institute of Technology - Australia
West Cheshire College
West Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education
West Suffolk College
Westinghouse Springfields Fuels Ltd
Westminster College
Whale Tankers Ltd
Wigan & Leigh College
Wigan College
Willesden College of Technology
Williams Grand Prix Engineering Ltd
Wiltshire College & University Centre
Wirral Metropolitan College
Wolverhampton Polytechnic
Wood Group PSN
Worley Parsons (Europe) Ltd
Wrexham Glyndwr University
Wrexham University
Writtle Agricultural College
Xerox Ltd
Xi'an JiaoTong - Liverpool University (XJTLU)
Xylem Dewatering Solutions UK Ltd
Yaba College of Technology
York College
York College of Further and Higher Education
Yorkshire Water
Zurich Engineering