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Information for Higher Education providers

The Engineering Council supports the development of engineering degrees that will equip students to become professional engineers.

Our COVID-19 Information for HE providers is available below (under Useful Documents). Note for accreditation visits taking place after 1 January 2023 a new risk-based approach to accreditation has been introduced which permits some accreditation activity to be virtual or hybrid, professional engineering institutions will advise providers of the format for their visit(s). 

Engineering Council activities include:

Resources available to support you include:

How to get your degree programme accredited:

If you are new to accreditation please contact either the Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) Secretariat or a professional engineering institution relevant to your subject for advice before completing any submission documentation.

Once you have all the information you need, your accreditation application should be sent to one or more of the professional engineering institutions that have been licensed by the Engineering Council to accredit degree programmes. The institution(s) you choose should be relevant to the area(s) of engineering covered by the course. You can apply for accredited status for Bachelors, Honours, Integrated Masters (MEng) and other Masters degrees such as MScs. Professional engineering institutions may also consider requests to accredit Foundation Degrees and Engineering Doctorates.

Once they have processed your request, the professional engineering institution(s) will carry out an accreditation visit.  Here they will determine whether the course learning outcomes are aligned with the standards for accredited status, as set out in the AHEP handbook. If programmes are being assessed by more than one engineering institution, your accreditation visit may be organised by the Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB).

If your programme is awarded accredited status, the period of accreditation is typically five years, counted from the first-year student intake date of the programme. You must reapply for re-accreditation in good time, ideally at least twelve months before accreditation expires.

European accreditation (EUR-ACE®)

Find out more about the EUR-ACE® label and check whether your courses are eligible

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Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB)

Understand the role of the EAB in the accreditation process

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Accreditation of Innovative Provision

A common myth is that accreditation stifles innovative provision. This is not so. The accreditation process supports innovation in the delivery and content of engineering degrees

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Accredited Degree Logo

An accredited degree logo is available for use on promotional materials and webpages relating to accredited programmes

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Compensation and condonement

Many UK universities’ examination board rules include some allowance for compensation or condonement of limited failure in one or more modules, where this is compensated by a stronger performance across the programme as a whole.

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Useful Documents

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