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Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB)

The Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) is an independent body, made up of the professional engineering institutions licensed by the Engineering Council to accredit academic programmes for both Incorporated Engineer and Chartered Engineer status. The Engineering Council currently provides the secretariat for the EAB committee and EAB accreditation visits.

The purpose of EAB has been to provide a single point of contact to facilitate joint accreditation visits and to encourage consistent accreditation processes and good practice.

The future of EAB has been under review for some time. With regards to joint accreditation visits we have entered a consultation period with PEIs and HEIs involved in EAB visits and hope to provide a further update by November 2024.

As well as carrying out joint accreditation visits, EAB has met three times a year to discuss accreditation-related issues. EAB meetings have now been replaced by the Engineering Council's Programme Recognition Forum, and Education and Skills Advisory Panel.

Note the EAB statement on future joint visit arrangements August 2023 which you can download from useful documents at the bottom of this page. Further updates will be provided in due course. 

EAB visits

EAB accreditation visits may be arranged where a Higher Education Institution (HEI) wants three or more professional engineering institutions to accredit a single degree or a suite of related programmes.  If just one or two professional engineering institution(s) are required for an accreditation visit, please contact the institutions(s) directly.

Those HEIs opting for an EAB visit have one point of contact through the EAB secretariat, receive a single visit to assess their various disciplines or programmes, and complete only one set of submission documents. 

HEIs are asked to submit requests for future visits as soon as possible, and we recommend at least 18 months in advance when you would like a visit to be held. Note the statement on future joint visit arrangements August 2023

Following an update to the Engineering Council's Standards HEIs may request accreditation against either AHEP 3rd edition or AHEP 4.0 learning outcomes, for visits held before the end on the 2023-24 academic year. For visits to be held after 31 August 2024 accreditation must be against AHEP 4th edition. 

Visits from 2023 onwards may be in-person or remote. The format will be confirmed on a case-by-case basis. 

Initial steps

HEIs considering a request for an EAB visit should familiarise themselves with the information and documentation on this webpage, particularly the EAB Accreditation Briefing Manual for Educational InstitutionsThis can be found under Useful Documents at the end of this page.

You should complete the EAB Form ACC1 Initial Data Form (this can be downloaded from the link in the EAB initial submission documentation section below) and email it to ideally, 18 months before you would like a visit to take place.

EAB visits are designed for accreditation of degree programmes delivered in a single location (or via distance learning) where a university is both the delivery provider and the degree awarding body, and where there is significant commonality between programmes. HEIs must make clear on initial submissions and in accompanying emails if they are requesting EAB joint accreditation visits with a broader scope (eg if accreditation is being requested for non-degree programmes or programmes delivered elsewhere to the main university campus) and such requests will be considered on a case by case basis.

This information will be passed to your specified professional engineering institutions for their consideration. If they are happy to proceed with a visit, the secretariat will contact you to arrange a suitable date.

The full submission documentation is required to be with the EAB secretariat at least 12 weeks before the visit is due to take place.

EAB initial submission documentation, for use with AHEP third edition

Click on the relevant link below to download the initial submission form. Please note these forms are for use with AHEP third edition (and therefore only applicable for visits to be held before the end of the 2023-24 academic year), a link to which can be found below.

HEIs are asked to submit requests for future visits as soon as possible, and we recommend at least 18 months in advance when you would like a visit to be held.

EAB Form ACC1 Initial Data Form (Word document)

EAB Form ACC1 Initial Data Form for international visits (Word document)

EAB visits are designed for accreditation of degree programmes delivered in a single location (or via distance learning) where a university is both the delivery provider and the degree awarding body, and where there is significant commonality between programmes. HEIs must make clear on initial submissions and in accompanying emails if they are requesting EAB joint accreditation visits with a broader scope (eg if accreditation is being requested for non-degree programmes or programmes delivered elsewhere to the main university campus) and such requests will be considered on a case by case basis.

EAB full submission documentation, for use with AHEP third edition

Click on the links below to download the full submission form and appendices. Please note these forms are for use with AHEP third edition (and therefore only applicable for visits to be held before the end of the 2023-24 academic year) , a link to which can be found below. 

EAB Form ACC2 - Submission for Accreditation (Word document)

EAB form ACC2 Appendix A – Bachelors degree and integrated Masters degree learning outcomes (pdf)

EAB Form ACC2 Appendix B – Masters degree other than integrated Masters, and EngD learning outcomes (pdf)

EAB Form ACC2A - Methods of Assessment (Word document)

EAB Form ACC2B - Graduation Statistics (Word document)

EAB Form ACC2C - Output Standards Matrix – Bachelors, Bachelor (Honours) and integrated Masters (Excel spreadsheet)

EAB Form ACC2D - Output Standards Matrix – Masters other than integrated Masters, and EngD (Excel spreadsheet)

EAB Form ACC2E - Energy Matrix - To be completed only if the Energy Institute is requested for the visit (Excel spreadsheet)

To enable accrediting PEIs to assure themselves that all graduating students will achieve the required learning outcomes it is requested that information related to any changes to delivery and assessment (eg in response to Covid or industrial action) be made available in advance of a visit. If it is agreed that a visit will be held virtually additional information will be requested ahead of the visit to substitute information usually reviewed on campus. Documentation setting out additional information required may be published online in due course, but will initially be provided to HEIs on a visit-by-visit based to allow the requests for further information to be informed by circumstances and initial experiences of visits where programmes have been impacted by Covid and/or visits completed virtually. Further information required will include:

  • a summary of any changes to delivery and assessment, and updated versions of programme documents and output standard matrix, where applicable
  • for virtual visits, a pre-recorded laboratory tour and examples of assessed student work.

Deadlines for provision of further information will be set on a visit-by-visit basis, but it is anticipated that this information will be required at least six weeks in advance of a visit and may in due course be requested at the same time as the main ACC2 submission.

If you are responsible for pulling together an ACC2 submission and would like details of further information that might be required (if there have been changes to delivery and assessment, or a virtual visit is planned) please contact the EAB Secretariat by emailing

EAB initial submission documentation, for use with AHEP fourth edition

Click on the relevant link below to download the initial submission form. Please note these forms are for use with AHEP 4.0. HEIs are asked to submit requests for future visits as soon as possible, and we recommend at least 18 months in advance when you would like a visit to be held.

EAB form ACC1 Initial Data Form for UK visits(AHEP 4)(Word document)

EAB form ACC1 Initial Data Form for non-UK visits (AHEP 4) (Word document)

EAB visits are designed for accreditation of degree programmes delivered in a single location (or via distance learning) where a university is both the delivery provider and the degree awarding body, and where there is significant commonality between programmes. HEIs must make clear on initial submissions and in accompanying emails if they are requesting EAB joint accreditation visits with a broader scope (eg if accreditation is being requested for non-degree programmes or programmes delivered elsewhere to the main university campus) and such requests will be considered on a case by case basis.

EAB full submission documentation, for use with AHEP fourth edition

Click on the links below to download the Accreditation Briefing Manual for Education Institutions, ACC2 full submission form and annexes. Please note these forms are for use with AHEP 4.0 

EAB Accreditation Briefing Manual for Educational Institutions (PDF document)

EAB Form ACC2 - Submission for Accreditation (Word document)

EAB Form ACC2A - Methods of Assessment (Word document)

EAB Form ACC2B - Graduation Statistics (Word document)

EAB Form ACC2C - Output Standards Matrix (Excel spreadsheet)

EAB Form ACC2D - Energy Matrix - To be completed only if the Energy Institute is requested for the visit (Excel spreadsheet)

To enable accrediting PEIs to assure themselves that all graduating students will achieve the required learning outcomes it is requested that information related to any changes to delivery and assessment (eg in response to Covid) be made available in advance of a visit. If it is agreed that a visit will be held virtually (eg due to Covid restrictions) additional information will be requested ahead of the visit to substitute information usually reviewed on campus. Documentation setting out additional information required may be published online in due course, but will initially be provided to HEIs on a visit-by-visit based to allow the requests for further information to be informed by circumstances and initial experiences of visits where programmes have been impacted by Covid and/or visits completed virtually. Further information required will include:

  • a summary of any changes to delivery and assessment, and updated versions of programme documents and output standard matrix, where applicable
  • for virtual visits, a pre-recorded laboratory tour and examples of assessed student work.

Deadlines for provision of further information will be set on a visit-by-visit basis, but it is anticipated that this information will be required at least six weeks in advance of a visit and may in due course be requested at the same time as the main ACC2 submission.

If you are responsible for pulling together an ACC2 submission and would like details of further information that might be required (if there have been changes to delivery and assessment, or a virtual visit is planned) please contact the EAB Secretariat by emailing

Charges for an EAB visit

A number of professional engineering institutions currently charge for accreditation visits and/or recover accreditors’ accommodation and travel expenses. These charges vary from institution to institution and charging information can be provided on request.

There is no common policy on charging. It is a matter for an individual professional engineering institution to decide whether or not to make a charge for accreditation.

Note: any requests for EAB visits requiring visits to more than one location or outside of the UK,  will be considered on a case by case basis and may be subject to additional charges due to the additional costs involved.

Process for an EAB visit

Please refer to the EAB Visit Process Timeline for an overview of the EAB visit process. This can be found under Useful Documents at the end of this page.

EAB visits usually take place over two days, mid-week during either the autumn or spring term. The secretariat will provide you with a draft timetable in advance of the visit. The visiting panel will review student output such as examinations and coursework; tour the laboratories/facilities and hold discussions with academic staff, support staff and students on matters concerning the content and teaching of the programme(s) being considered for accreditation.

The EAB secretariat will be your main point of contact when arranging an EAB visit and in the case of any queries. Should any institution-specific issues arise; the secretariat will refer these to the professional engineering institution in question to be resolved.

After the visit

Following the visit, the secretariat will produce a visit report and action plan (normally within 6 weeks). You will be asked to check the factual accuracy of the visit report and complete the action plan (usually within 4 weeks).

The visit report and your completed action plan will be sent to the participating professional engineering institutions for consideration by their accreditation committees.

You will receive a final decision letter once all of the institutions have made a decision on accreditation. Due to the varied times at which their committees meet, usually quarterly, this could take several months, or longer, if any of the institutions require additional information before confirming accreditation.

Wherever possible, the EAB secretariat will provide informal feedback on any decisions made in the interim.

An EAB Visit Process Timeline and the EAB visit concordat summarise the post-visit process. These can be found under Useful Documents at the end of this page.

Contact information

For further information about EAB visits, to request a visit or if you have a question about accreditation-related activity, please email the EAB secretariat at:

AHEP 4 Event

An EAB workshop was held on 12 July 2021 to support and encourage consistency in degree accreditation activities, as AHEP 4 is implemented.

 Accreditors and PEI staff were given an opportunity to hear from and ask questions of:

·   Sean Wellington, the Chair of the AHEP Working Group

·    Speakers with expertise on topics that have an enhanced focus in AHEP 4

 The following materials related to the event are available for information:

·         A workshop report

·         PowerPoint presentations from the event:

o    AHEP 4 by Sean Wellington

o   Equality, Diversity and Inclusion by Joanna Horton

o    Sustainability by Luke Smith

o    Security by Hugh Boyes

We have also made available two independently authored reports which provide personal reflections on AHEP 4 by Sean Wellington and Dik Morling

Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP)

AHEP is the document produced by the Engineering Council that sets out the standard for degree accreditation

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The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) describes the standards for professional registration as an Engineering Technician (EngTech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) or Chartered Engineer (CEng)

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If you have further questions about our international activity visit this section of our website to see if your question has been answered

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Useful Documents

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