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About the Engineering Council

The Engineering Council was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1981 to regulate the engineering profession in the UK.

We are governed by our Board of Trustees, which is advised by a number of executive committees. Our core purpose is to set and maintain the internationally recognised standards for the UK engineering profession, found in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) and the ICTTech Standard.

The documents describe the competence and commitment criteria for the professional titles: 

To apply for these titles individuals first join a relevant professional engineering institution licensed by the Engineering Council to assess candidates for registration. To achieve registration, engineers and technicians must demonstrate that they possess a range of technical and personal competences, and that they are committed to keeping up-to-date whilst behaving in a professionally and socially responsible manner. 

Our Mission

To maintain internationally recognised standards of competence and commitment for the engineering profession and to license competent institutions to champion the standards for the deliverance of public benefit.

Our Vision

That society continues to have confidence and trust in the engineering profession.

Our Values

Values logo is four different coloured puzzle pieces

The Engineering Council has introduced a new set of organisational values that are at the heart of everything we do. We always strive to act with:


Read about the internal structure of the Engineering Council to understand how it operates to regulate the profession

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Board and Chairman

Learn about the Board of Trustees who govern the Engineering Council, appointed to represent the engineering industry and institutions.

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Find out about the range of committees and panels that enable Engineering Council activities to be carried out with wide representation from the profession

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See how the regulation of the UK engineering profession and the standards for professional registration has evolved over the years

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Read the Engineering Council's current Strategy, which sets out our priorities to 2025.

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