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Andrew Middleton

Published: 10/09/2019
Route: Accredited degree

Name: Andrew Middleton IEng FIHE MCIHT
Age: 34
Education and qualifications: BSc (Hons) Environmental Civil Engineering, NVQ Level 3 – Engineering Construction, City & Guilds Level 3 – Engineering Construction, SVQ Level 2 – Access and Rigging
Which Institutions are you a member of? Member of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), Fellow of the Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE)
Current job title: Measurement and Technical Compliance Engineer
Company: Waterman
Length in current job: Since May 2017
Approximately how many staff are employed by your company? 500+
Where are you based? Glasgow, Scotland

Describe your experience of how you became an IEng
Having completed my Engineering Technician (EngTech) review the previous year definitely helped me to compile my Incorporated Engineer (IEng) submission. I had a good idea of where to start and the format was similar. My colleagues, employer and the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), were all very happy to help and guide me through the process. The Institution confirmed that my degree was accredited and I was able to proceed through the standard route. 

As I graduated in June 2016 I had a short window in which to submit for the autumn review dates. I had set this as a goal in 2013, so I ensured I was well prepared. The process, from submitting my initial assessment in July to attending my review in October, took me 15 weeks. However, I had been working towards this for three years by recording my Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and setting tailored and achievable goals in my yearly development reviews in order to get the exposure in industry to satisfy each competency. I was fortunate while working at Amey to be involved in a diverse range of contracts including highways, rail, water, aviation and building sectors. 

Throughout the whole experience I was apprehensive about the interview. My reviewers put me at ease, making the process enjoyable and it felt more like an appraisal discussion about my experience and submission between fellow professionals, as opposed to the formal interrogation I had envisaged. 

What advice would you give someone considering professional registration as an IEng?
Plan ahead and set realistic targets. This will allow you to gain the necessary experience against each competency. From this you can review progress periodically and easily identify any areas you need to focus on. 

How has becoming an IEng benefitted your career?
It has improved my confidence and helped with my self-esteem in relation to my professional ability. I believe it instils confidence in clients and potential employers that I have been robustly assessed by my peers and achieved a recognised standard within my profession. In a number of sectors, particularly publicly funded sectors, it seems that contractual requirements for professional registration are increasing, therefore I believe being registered will improve my employment opportunities.


  • IEng