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Press releases 2023

Registrants among MacRobert Award-winning Ceres team

Published: 31/07/2023

MacRobert AwardThe Engineering Council would like to congratulate Tomasz Domanski IEng MIMechE, Nick Lawrence CEng MIMechE, Dr Mark Selby CEng FIET FREng, and Rajan Thandi CEng MIMechE who were part of the team at Ceres Power to be awarded the 2023 MacRobert Award, the most prestigious prize for UK engineering innovation.

Ceres Power were recognised for a ground-breaking fuel cell technology that promises to make a major contribution to decarbonising the world at the scale and pace required to tackle climate change.

The winning team were presented with a gold medal and a £50,000 prize by HRH The Princess Royal, at the Royal Academy of Engineering Awards Dinner in London on 13 July.

Professor Sir Richard Friend FREng FRS, Chair of the Royal Academy of Engineering MacRobert Award judging panel, said: “Engineering innovation is the driving force behind economic growth and a sustainable future. It is impressive to see what Ceres Power has achieved with its SteelCell technology. The innovation promises to be a huge game changer for hydrogen generation and marks a significant breakthrough in clean energy technology, providing the tools for companies to reach net zero, even in the most hard-to-abate sectors.

Dr Caroline Hargrove CBE FREng, Chief Technology Officer at Ceres, said: “As a UK technology business, Ceres is playing an important role in decarbonising the global energy system, and we are thrilled to gain the recognition of the Royal Academy of Engineering as the winner of the 2023 MacRobert Award.”

The MacRobert Award is the UK's longest-running and most prestigious national prize for engineering innovation. Each year a winning team receives a gold medal and £50,000 prize to recognise outstanding innovation, tangible societal benefit and proven commercial success.

For the full announcement, details and the judging panel for the MacRobert Award, please see the Royal Academy of Engineering website.

For press enquiries:
Helen Potts, Engineering Council –, 020 3206 0568
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