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Feedback sought on use of single market for services

Feedback sought on use of single market for services

Published: 15/12/2016

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is meeting with organisations to understand how they use the single market for services. These in-depth discussions will help to determine the potential consequences of the UK leaving the EU for services. 

The Department is interested in primarily non-financial, non-network services, including professional and business services, such as engineers, auditors, consultants and architects. BEIS is also looking at construction services, creative industries, tech, medical services, and education services.

Discussions are focused on the rights that UK citizens and businesses currently have to set up a business and provide services in other EU countries. This means that they cannot be discriminated against based on nationality, and they may find it easier to have their professional qualifications and licences recognised so that they can perform regulated services. BEIS is gathering in-depth details on how organisations operate and why they have taken those decisions, as well as any concerns they have, and how they might respond to obstacles put in the way of how they operate. The Department is interested in dealings with specific Member States and is also looking for organisations that operate in third countries, such as the US and Middle East, to explore how those relationships differ.

BEIS is looking for participation from as many firms as possible that trade services into the EU. For more information and to arrange a meeting, please contact
