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HE Bulletin - Autumn 2021

Engineering Council 2025 Strategy

Published: 05/11/2021

Cover of the 2025 strategyThe Engineering Council has published its 2025 Strategy ‘Advancing Regulation’, setting out its priorities for the next four years:

The goal of the 2025 Strategy is:

To maintain the public’s confidence in the engineering profession through wider promotion of the Engineering Council’s regulatory work, its leadership role within the engineering community and a greater, more diverse and engaged registrant population.

As set out in the Introduction, we will focus on activities that ensure the public continues to have trust and confidence in the assurance mechanisms we provide as a regulator, including an aspiration to see professional registration moving from being primarily seen as a ‘benefit to the registrant’ to being an ‘expectation of the individual’. This promotion of competence will be threaded throughout the Strategy’s four Themes and will remain at the heart of our plans.”

The Strategy will be delivered through four key themes: Diversity & Inclusion, Digital Innovation, International and Engineering & Society. Our success criteria are:

  • a more diverse and inclusive profession
  • a more digitally innovative profession
  • an internationally respected standard
  • an engineering profession with sustainability and ethical principles at its core.

Chief Executive Alasdair Coates and Trustee Ann Franke introduce our 2025 Strategy in a short animation and the full Strategy document is available to read on the Engineering Council’s website.
