Accredited degrees now listed on European Database
Published: 05/11/2021
Accredited degrees listed on the Engineering Council’s recognised course search database are now also listed on the FEANI European Engineering Education Database (EEED).
The EEED is a very important reference tool for international regulators, professional associations and employers to verify the status of European engineering degrees. It is principally used to check that an individual has a high quality, internationally recognised academic base of engineering knowledge. It is also often written into engineering legislation as an indicator that an engineering programme has delivered learning at an appropriate level for the academic base of a professional engineer.
This upload of information on accredited degree programmes to EEED has the following benefits:
- increased visibility of UK programmes on a European and Global level
- ability for UK graduates to have their academic qualifications recognised seamlessly
- greater opportunities for UK engineering professionals to be mobile
- less time/resource spent on providing proof that UK programmes are recognised by FEANI
- automatic updates will ensure that up-to-date information is available about UK programmes at all times.
If you have any queries related to programmes listed on the course search please email